Boldness is going to come when our lives intersect with the Presence of God.
Hello. I’m Lee Cummings, the Senior Leader of Radiant Church in Kalamazoo, MI.
My wife, Jane, and I started Radiant Church in 1996 in a high school gymnasium in Richland, MI, a rural community on the outskirts of Kalamazoo. Since then, Radiant Church has grown to reach thousands of people in several locations with the same mission: to be a praying and worshiping church that is relentlessly leading people to become fully formed disciples of Jesus Christ living on mission together.

Planted in His House. Flourishing in His Presence. Thriving in Community.
What if you could plant your life in a place where you would not only survive but truly thrive? In His House is a powerful invitation to be rooted in the place God intended for you to grow spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and physically.
It's time to plant yourself firmly in the Father's house, living with purpose and rooted in His eternal design for you. Find your place in His Kingdom and begin to come alive and thrive.
Available everywhere April 27.
Media Library
You can now access my entire media library for free here on my website. This includes:
▪ Podcasts
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▪ Staff Development Teachings
▪ Courses
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& more!

SPIRIT + TRUTH with Lee Cummings is a new podcast dedicated to building praying and worshiping churches across America. Conversations will feature a wide range of guests and explore topics including revival, prayer, current events, and their intersections with Scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit.