MEDIA library SPIRIT + TRUTH PODCASTRADIANT CHURCH SUNDAY SERMONSSTAFF DEVELOPMENT TEACHINGSARISE SHINE CONFERENCECOURSESBLOGGUEST APPEARANCES Skip to Videos All | SPIRIT + TRUTH Podcast | Radiant Church Sunday Sermons | Staff Development Teachings | Arise Shine Conference | Course: Take Heed, Watch & Pray | Course: Understanding the End Times and the Return of Jesus | Course: School of Prayer | Course: School of the Spirit | All Courses | Guest Appearances | Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson One: Who is the Holy Spirit? Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Two: What Does the Holy Spirit Do in Me? Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Three: The Promise of the Father Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Four: The Promise of the Father: Part 2 Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Five: The Benefits of Spiritual Utterance Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Six: Walking in Step with the Holy Spirit Course: School of the Spirit, All Courses, Lesson Seven: Dynamic Manifestations of the Holy Spirit